Social Media for Cosmetic Surgeons: What’s hot?
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Monday, February 13, 2017
Video, content and analytics are among today’s buzz words for cosmetic practices that are using social media to build business, according to Monique Ramsey, a certified relationship marketing specialist, and founder of Del Mar, Calif.-based Cosmetic Social Media. Ramsey presented, “Social Media Update 2017: What's Hot and What's Hype,” yesterday at the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery’s (AACS’s) 2017 annual scientific meeting in San Diego, Calif.
“Social media has been an integral part of marketing strategy for the better part of a decade; however it has not been until the last three to four years that cosmetic surgery practices have started to play in the sandbox,” Ramsey tells Cosmetic Surgery Times. “While a facelift technique might change every few years or so, social media spins on a much faster turntable, with changes literally happening on a daily basis.”
So, what’s hot?
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“Social media has been an integral part of marketing strategy for the better part of a decade; however it has not been until the last three to four years that cosmetic surgery practices have started to play in the sandbox,” Ramsey tells Cosmetic Surgery Times. “While a facelift technique might change every few years or so, social media spins on a much faster turntable, with changes literally happening on a daily basis.”
So, what’s hot?
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