Vaginal Rejuvenation Laser

Laser-based vaginal rejuvenation is a laser treatment used to address changes in vaginal health often caused by childbirth and menopause. It may also be used to treat side effects in women who have undergone a hysterectomy or chemotherapy. The device's laser handpiece is inserted into the vagina, delivering controlled energy pulses into the tissue.1
Any woman who is experiencing or suffering from incontinence, lack of lubrication will benefit from this procedure. In addition, any woman who desires vaginal tightening, or rejuvenation.2
Contraindications include: pregnant women, women who are menstruating, women who have had abnormal pap smears, or have had any abnormalities noted during the most recent gynecological examination.
3 (mildly uncomfortable)
Approximately $2,2251
The procedure takes less than five minutes.1
For optimal results, three treatments are recommended, spaced one month apart, with a maintenance treatment once a year if desired.1
Laser vaginal rejuvenation is a relatively new technology and therefore guidelines are difficult to come by; however, AmSpa believes that most states consider or will consider vaginal rejuvenation to be a medical treatment. Because of this, prior to your initial treatment, the medical spa should conduct an in-person exam by either a doctor, a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant. Most states have found with proper training, education and supervision, most medical spa professionals can perform vaginal rejuvenation at this time. Please check with your local medical board, nursing board or health care attorney for more information.
As of now, there have been no adverse effects reported, although some women will experience spotting for about 48 hours.2
Patients may return to their daily routine with minimal to no discharge, spotting or discomfort. However, they should avoid sexual intercourse for about 48 hours.3
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