Industry News

October 31, 2018

Burned out or tuned in

Years ago, when I practiced family medicine, I was so burned out I felt crispy...

October 31, 2018

The state of off-label drug laws

Prescribing drugs off label can sometimes be the best option for patients. It’s an unavoidable...

October 31, 2018

Why Private Equity Is Furious Over a Paper in a Dermatology Journal

Early this month, a respected medical journal published a research paper on its website that...

October 31, 2018

Optimizing fillers for men

The use of neurotoxins and dermal fillers in men has been on the rise for...

October 26, 2018

The lowdown on LED devices

Researchers reported in a study published February 1, 2018, in the Journal of Clinical and...

October 26, 2018

Microneedling versus laser: Is one better than the other?

Microneedling cannot match the tissue-tightening effects of lasers, but it addresses issues ranging from stubborn...

October 26, 2018

Must-know physician liability issues with med spas

Supervision, delegation and noncompliant ownership are among the hot button issues that can land physicians...