Surgical Body Contouring

Surgical body contouring after weight loss removes excess sagging fat and skin while improving the shape of the underlying support tissue. The result is a more normal appearance with smoother contours. Body contouring procedures may include face lifts, breast lifts, tummy tucks, lower body lifts, medial thigh lifts, and arm lifts.
Good body contouring candidates are:
- Adults whose weight loss has stabilized;
- Healthy individuals without medical conditions that impair healing or increase risk of surgery;
- Non-smokers;
- Individuals with a positive outlook and realistic goals; and,
- Individuals who are committed to leading a healthy lifestyle with proper nutrition and fitness.1
If the body contouring candidate has the following contraindications, he/she should not receive the procedure:
- Unrealistic patient expectations;
- Inability to deal with major unpredictable scarring;
- Peripheral arterial or venous disease,
- Lymphatic disease; and/or,
- Patients who have undergone varicose vein stripping or saphenous vein harvest.
Any previous surgery that may affect venous or lymphatic drainage of the lower extremity, such as pelvic exenteration and gynecologic procedures leading to inguinal lymph node dissections, should be discussed with your physician prior to this procedure.2
8 (slower recovery)
Approximately $15,1003
How long it takes depends on how much excess skin is being removed and the reshaping of the area.
The contouring achieved by removal of excess skin and fat is permanent. Naturally there will be some relaxation of the skin early after surgery and the skin and connective tissues will loosen and sag gradually as you continue to age.4
Surgical body contouring is surgery and therefore a medical treatment Like all medical treatments, prior to your initial treatment the medical spa should conduct an in-person exam by either a doctor, a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant. Surgical body contouring is most typically performed by an MD, DO, PA or NP; however, AmSpa believes that only an MD or a DO should be performing this procedure. Please check with your local medical board, nursing board or health care attorney for more information.
Body contouring risks include:
- Bleeding;
- Infection;
- Fluid accumulation;
- Poor wound-healing;
- Skin loss;
- Blood clots;
- Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism;
- Excessive or widened scars;
- Numbness or other changes in skin sensation;
- Anesthesia risks;
- Unfavorable scarring; and/or,
- Residual skin laxity or contour irregularity.5
Scarring is very common.
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