Solution for Sagging Skin
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Monday, October 17, 2016
The American Academy of Facial Plastic and ReconstructiveSurgery (AAFPRS) has elected board-certified plastic surgeon Fred G. Fedok, M.D., F.A.C.S., as president. During his yearlong term as active president beginning this month, Fedok will closely collaborate with other core specialties in the cosmetic surgery field, continue development of AAFPRS’ outstanding educational programs, including the online programs,
partner with industry on research efforts, and explore avenues to add value to the loyal members of AAFPRS. “My goal for this coming year is to reinforce the AAFPRS’s code of ethics, enhance patient care, and educate the public in seeking qualified, trained, and experienced facial plastic surgeons who emphasize evidence-based medicine,” says Fedok. “I am looking to further elevate the trust the public has in us and help lead them to safer, better facial plastic surgery outcomes. The AAFPRS, through the dedication and efforts of its leaders and members, has become the standard-bearer of excellence in facial plastic surgery. Through surgical innovation, educational initiatives, and professional collaboration, the organization will continue to shape the future of facial plastic surgery.”
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