News You Can Use - August 30, 2013
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Friday, August 30, 2013

Botox helps in treating Bell’s Palsy and other facial nerve problems
A new study in World Science Report reveals that Botox can now be used to treat the after effects of Bell’s palsy, a form of facial paralysis, and other serious facial nerve problems …
Read the full article here.
8 behaviors that hurt client relationships
As a med spa owner, how do you know if your client relationships are thriving or merely surviving? SkinInc reports on 8 bad habits that may be keeping you from developing strong client relationships and tactics you can use to help improve these relationships …
Read the full article here.
Should you add a retail expert to your med spa?
Although it may be unconventional, according to reports from SkinInc. magazine, adding a retail expert to your skin care team can get you a leg up on the competition at other med spas. By adding a retail advisor, every team member will gain knowledge of a retail professional this could bolster your clients’ experiences as well as your sales …
Read the article here.