News You Can Use - August 2, 2013
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Friday, August 2, 2013

Doctors who skip social media risk alienating patients
A new report by HP Social Media Solutions details why physicians should have a social media presence because more patients are using technology to manage their health care. Experts say that physicians should have a minimal presence not only to protect themselves from negative reviews and harmful online criticism but to enhance their practice as well…
Read the article here.
Botox proteins could hold cure for diabetes
Researchers in Scotland are using microsscopic techniques to study the proteins targeted by Botox to better understand how insulin is regulated and how it can change in the development of Type 2 diabetes …
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California nurse practitioners behind the scope-of-practice curve
California is currently one of the most restrictive states in the country when it comes to nurse practitioners, and with the exception of Utah, it is the only western state that doesn’t allow NPs to treat patients without seeing a physician first. But new legislation is in the works to change that …
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Removing tattoos may break down employment barriers
Although tattoos are widespread in this country, career experts say they can be a barrier to employment. Employers can prohibit visible tattoos as part of a dress code, making it difficult for a third of U.S. adults ages 20 to 29 who are tattooed to find jobs …
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Botox for depression?
In his new book, The Face of Emotion: How Botox Affects Our Moods and Relationships, Dermatological surgeon Eric Finzi suggests that Botox can improve moods and maybe even treat depression by stifling one’s ability to furrow brows or frown …
Read the article here.
From bee venom to snails, some women will use anything to banish wrinkles
In Japan, women are allowing live snails to slither across their face to deliver antioxidants to the skin. In England, Dutchess Catherine is said to use bee venom face masks to spur cell renewal and increase collagen production. Several other new and bizarre treatments are being touted to fight off the signs of aging …
Read the article here.