Meghan Trainor Says She 'Cannot Smile' Due to This Popular Botox Trend
Posted By Madilyn Moeller, Thursday, December 5, 2024
Meghan Trainor has apparently had a less than ideal experience with Botox. She recently revealed that she has had difficulty smiling ever since she got a “lip flip” procedure, which is an increasingly popular nonsurgical treatment that aims to make the upper lip appear fuller.
During a recent episode of her podcast, “Workin’ On It,” the singer said that she “got too much Botox,” and that she “cannot smile anymore.”
“This is as big as I can smile,” she said in the video, while looking directly at the camera to demonstrate. She later added that her “face hurts to smile — to even try.”
Trainor, who explained elsewhere in the episode that she’s had positive experiences with getting Botox prior to her lip flip debacle, is a part of a seemingly growing number of people who have turned to the trendy lip flip cosmetic procedure in recent years.
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