Letter From the Director: Welcome to the First Edition of AmSpa Weekly ... for Members Only!
Posted By American Med Spa Association, Monday, September 21, 2015
I wanted to take a quick moment to reach out to all of our valued members and say "thank you" for your continued support. The last year has been absolutely crazy for us – we’ve grown to more than 500 members, added tons of new events, built an incredible library of forms, and added HIPAA and OSHA checklists. But we’re always looking for ways to expand and improve, so, during the next month, we will be unveiling a new and improved AmSpa. We’re providing additional legal and regulatory resources, webinars, new events and increased searchability so that you always have the information to help you be successful at your fingertips. We will also be offering flexible payment options (for as little as $24.95 a month) to help you stay on financial track. Along with that, we are also looking at the bigger picture – medical spa certification, laser licensing, lobbying and a national conference, just to name a few – so please renew your membership today. And for you physicians out there, we’re soon launching AmSpa MD, a platform dedicated solely to aesthetic physicians. Stay tuned!
One task that we know is tough is keeping track of what’s going on in this ever-changing industry. We’re all so busy nowadays, it’s tough to learn what’s going on outside of the bubble in which we live. We’re changing that with “AmSpa Weekly,” a weekly e-newsletter that consolidates all the national and state news into an easy-to-read format. From developments in technology to new regulations being debated by your medical board, we’ll keep you updated on what’s going on in the aesthetic world so that you can focus on running your business. And it’s only available to members .... so make sure to renew!
If you are a member, click here to find out the status of your membership: https://amspa.site-ym.com/members/membership.asp. If it is set to expired within 30 days, you will be able to renew on the spot!
Thanks again for all your support. We’re excited to continue to serve you!
Alex R. Thiersch
Founder, American Med Spa Association (AmSpa)