AmSpa NOW! News
Industry News
August 15, 2016
Fall Marketing Tactics
Should cosmetic surgeons change their marketing tactics as the warm months of summer slowly turning...

August 15, 2016
Men, New Technologies Drive Growth in Body Contouring Market
The body contouring market is set to rise from $671.8 million in 2015 to more...
August 3, 2016
ASDS Disagrees with New Skin Cancer Screening Recommendations
The US Preventive Service Task Force (USPSTF) has declined to take a stance on the...
August 3, 2016
Private Parts: Is 'Scrotox' Next?
Vaginal rejuvenation has gone from hush-hush to trending. The scenario will likely be much the...
August 3, 2016
Can Stress Cause Skin Disease?
It may seem obvious that stress worsens inflammatory skin conditions like psoriasis and atopic dermatitis...
August 3, 2016
More Light Shed on Skin Disease
New studies in non-dermatology journals provide helpful insight into the genetic toll of sun damage...
August 3, 2016
US Spa Industry Reaches Record US $16.3bn Revenue Mark
The International Spa Association (ISPA) has released its annual findings of spa industry financial indicators...