Industry News

September 6, 2018

California Is the First State to Ban the Sale of Animal-Tested Cosmetics

It's official: California just became the first state to ban the sales of animal-tested products...

September 6, 2018

When Employees Walk Away From the Job

Editor's Note: Physicians Practice's blog features contributions from members of the medical community. These blogs...

August 31, 2018

Laser and energy devices among top trends

Of the 94 million people who visited in 2017, about 50% researched minimally invasive...

August 31, 2018

What’s next for vaginal ‘rejuvenation’?

In late July, the FDA released a safety communication warning against the use of energy-based...

August 30, 2018

The Sustainability and Profitability of Vaginal Rejuvenation

In light of the recent US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warning to device manufacturers...

August 29, 2018

Plastic surgeons spread word of the danger of the 'Brazilian butt lift'

Women who aren’t happy with the size and shape of their buttocks may wonder if...

August 28, 2018

A Review of PRP for Facial Aesthetics, Alopecia

Most of 22 studies in a recent review suggest positive results from platelet-rich plasma (PRP)...