Update: Texas Woman Dies after Procedure at Local Med Spa, Medical Director Restricted
Posted By Madilyn Moeller, Friday, October 13, 2023

Update 12/21/2023: On December 21, 2023, the Texas Medical Board amended its suspension order for Dr. Gallagher, the medical director of Luxe Med Spa, to allow Gallagher to practice anesthesiology. However, he remains restricted from practicing medicine in other forms, including supervising or delegating to others in all circumstances.
Update 10/13/2023: The medical license of Luxe Med Spa’s medical director has been temporarily suspended by Texas Medical Board. The board cites a continuing threat to public welfare due to the doctor’s improper supervision of IV treatments, which resulted in a patient’s death. The Texas Medical Board will hold a hearing within 10 days, with the license suspension remaining in place until the board takes further action.
Original Text 7/18/2023: A member of the 99.1 KNES Radio staff has passed away in Wortham, Texas, according to the Wortham Police Department.
The department said Jenifer Cleveland died on Monday, July 10 after a procedure at the Luxe Med Spa.
Police are reportedly investigating Cleveland's death, and conducting an autopsy to determine the cause.
Wortham Police Chief Kelly Butler said Cleveland was given CPR on the scene, but died while being transported to Parkview Hospital in Mexia.
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