Experts Discuss Whether Filler Migration Is as Common as TikTok Says It Is
Posted By Madilyn Moeller, Monday, October 31, 2022

There are currently 23.9 million views for the #fillermigration hashtag on TikTok, so we're back to discuss another trending topic: filler migration. Migration is when the hyaluronic acid filler used in areas like the lips, for instance, moves from its intended injection site to create unnatural, obvious distortions to the face. Shelby Hall, a registered nurse known as @skinfidelity on the platform who debunks beauty myths and explains beauty dilemmas, has over 9.2 million views on her now-deleted video "Overfilled Lip Problems," which explains why too much product being injected can often a) have a shiny, flat surface to them and b) end up migrating. User Ruzannasmbatyan's video showcases exactly what it looks like when lip filler migrates; go down the list and you'll be served videos of people getting migrated filler dissolved to pointing out poor injection techniques.
This would scare anyone into believing filler migration is something that happens more often than not — especially if it's served up consistently on your For You page. "While social media may make it look like filler migration is common, it is actually a very rare occurrence," says Greenwich, Connecticut-based board-certified dermatologist Kim Nichols, MD. But it is happening and being shared in droves, so as a prolific boy band once asked, "tell me why?"
"What we are seeing in the market today is that the demand for these services is outweighing the supply, because patients are starting treatments at a much earlier age, and there are so many more patients asking for treatment than decades past," says Beverly Hills-based board-certified facial plastic surgeon Jason Diamond, MD. "In turn, we see more inexperienced injectors providing the service, so now filler migration has gone from a very rare risk to a trending discussion TikTok. The more refined the technique/specialty skill/acute aesthetic judgment, the less the occurrence."
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