CEDR HR Solutions Joins AmSpa as Platinum Vendor Affiliate, Offers Deal for Members
Posted By Madilyn Moeller, Tuesday, June 4, 2024

CEDR HR Solutions has renewed its collaboration with the American Med Spa Association (AmSpa) as a Platinum Vendor Affiliate.
CEDR HR Solutions believes that better workplaces make better lives. They provide custom, legally compliant employee handbooks, expert human resources support, and powerful team management software to the owners and managers of more than 2,500 wellness, medical and dental businesses in all 50 states. CEDR's “HR for Life” approach to serving its members empowers medical spa professionals to build better businesses and lead more fulfilling lives by connecting them to expert HR advisors who work with them to find practical, compliant solutions to their day-to-day HR and team management problems.
AmSpa Members save up to $700* on a Custom Employee Handbook! *Save $200 on a handbook alone or $700 on the handbook with a 2-year Solution Center Membership