AmSpa NOW! News
AmSpa News
November 18, 2015
AmSpa Sells Out LA Medical Spa Boot Camp!
Read more at Nelson Hardiman....
November 9, 2015
Read the Latest Letter From the Director by AmSpa's Founder, Alex R. Thiersch
There's a lot going on and I wanted to make sure everyone was up to...
November 5, 2015
Laser Focus, by AmSpa Founder and Director, Alex R. Thiersch
By Alex R. Thiersch, AmSpa Founder and Director Laser treatments are a key part of...
November 2, 2015
Save the Date: AmSpa Releases 2016 Event Dates!
The American Med Spa Association (AmSpa) today released its 2016 event dates, with more to...
November 2, 2015
Legal Aid: Why Your Practice Needs a Lawyer…Now
Read the newest "The Verdict" column, which appeared in the November 2015 issue of Plastic...
October 26, 2015
AmSpa Opens Registration for AmSpa Dallas, January 11, 2016!
The American Med Spa Association (AmSpa) recently opened registration for its first event of 2016...

October 2, 2015
Nelson Hardiman Opens in Chicago with Addition of American Med Spa Assn. Founder
Nelson Hardiman LLP announced today that it has opened an office in Chicago with the...