Americans Are Spending Big On Cosmetic Procedures — And Wall Street Is Cashing In
Posted By Madilyn Moeller, Friday, November 1, 2024

Camille Weston’s breast augmentation carried a $7,000 price tag. Her insurance, of course, wouldn’t cover it. But a lender happily would. So the 22-year-old Salt Lake City resident opened a credit line — interest free for six months — and went under the knife. The procedure could turbocharge her TikTok following and might help the social media agency she runs with her sister, too. She repaid the debt before a single cent of interest accrued.
Weston is part of a growing cohort eager to spend on ultra-pricey cosmetic work and willing to borrow to fund it. Procedures like tummy tucks and lip fillers are on the rise, helped along by scores of social media influencers flaunting their results. And the bills that go along with them are increasingly being financed by specialty lenders, attracted by unusually high credit scores and even higher price tags.
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