Allē Update: A Return to the Original Allē Consumer Rewards Program
Posted By Madilyn Moeller, Thursday, December 19, 2024
Send date: December 19, 2024
Audience: All U.S. customers participating in Allē
From: Carrie Strom via Allergan Aesthetics
S/L: A Return to the Original Allē Consumer Rewards Program
Dear Valued Customer,
Recently we launched an updated version of our consumer loyalty program, called Allē Enhancements. Although the new program was designed to support better patient and practice outcomes, we clearly underestimated the impact on you and your practice, and for that we are sorry. Our ongoing mission is to support you, your practices, and your patients; therefore, we are making a change to the Allē program to realign toward those values.
Your feedback on Allē has been critical. We have spoken with thousands of customers over the past few months and the themes are clear. The new program is too complex and was rolled out too abruptly. We misjudged the burden of the new program on your practice, injectors, and staff. Another clear theme is how much you value your partnership with Allergan Aesthetics (especially your sales representative!) and disappointment that our changes to Allē made it harder to work together. We value the insights you’ve shared. We are listening to you and making changes based on what you’ve told us.
Based on your feedback, in late January 2025, we will revert to the original Allē program and cease use of Allē Enhancements.
Returning to the original Allē program is the first step, but we know we must do more, and we will. In early January, we will provide more details on a significant Q1 investment, including double Allē points and increased Allē consumer promotional offers. We will notify consumers about the return to original Allē in January and make sure you have all the details about the switchover to share with your staff and patients, including how we will manage for any planned points redemption.
As the leader of Allergan Aesthetics and a friend to many of you, I want you to know that our goal is to earn back the “Your Practice, Our Purpose” mission in your hearts and minds. We look forward to our continued dialogue and partnership as we co-create our future together.
Please reach out to your Allergan Aesthetics representative or me with any questions.
Thank you, and here’s to a happy and healthy 2025!
Carrie Strom
President, Global Allergan Aesthetics